How to join us


Technology evolves in just a flick of a button. Things change just without imagination. Who would have thought when a phone came out some decades back it would be even the single most powerful technological tool at the moment. Now, phones basically act as a pocket computer with which everything can be done on. Movies, Music and even complex tasks such as shooting and editing a film are done on the phone. We cannot forget the technological advancement in medicine, military and even things as basic as cutlery. With the advancement and development of complex Artificial Intelligence, we cannot stay blind but rather open our eyes to the world that Science and Technology is ruling the world and would continue to do so for the foreseeable future. At Alsyd Academy, we ensure that our computer hub enables our students learn and familiarise themselves with new technology and innovation.

Initiate the process with a face-to-face inquiry at our administrative office.

Opening Schedule

Need assistance or information? Reach out to us today. Our team is here to help with any questions you may have.

+233 59 239 0034 +233 59 243 6006

Graduation Rate


Students Skill


Campus Extracurricular


Quality Of Teachers